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It’s Never Too LATE To Start Saving For THe Future

Family Income Replacement
Have you saved money in case unexpected things happen in life? Do you bring in most of the money for your family? If something really bad, like an untimely death, were to happen soon, do you think your family is ready for it financially? Can your kids still finish school? If you said no to any of these, don’t wait until it’s too late to do something about it.

Critical Illness Fund
The four major illnesses in the Philippines are Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, and Acute Kidney Failure. If someone is diagnosed with any of these, they’ll need a lot of money for hospitalization, don’t you think? What if you were diagnosed with one tomorrow, are you financially prepared for it? Would you consider selling your stuff, borrowing money, relying on loved ones, or even resorting to GoFundMe? But what if I suggest another choice? How about shifting the financial burden to Pru Life UK?

Accidental Disability or Death
Disabilities can happen because of illness or accidents. Even if the chances are low, we shouldn’t ignore the possibility. It not only puts a strain on the family physically but also financially. While we may not be able to prevent it physically, we can at least get ready financially. The real question is, will the support come from your own money or from Pru Life UK?

Education Funding
We love our kids a lot, and that’s why we want what’s best for them. We hope they can complete their studies and have a great future. But what if something unexpected, like money troubles, comes up along the way, and it becomes tough to send them to college? Do you want to wait until they’re in college to worry about tuition fees? Will your income be enough at that time? How about planning and saving now so you won’t struggle when that time comes?

Estate Planning
Leaving valuable stuff for your loved ones after you pass away is a thoughtful gesture that shows love. But what if the situation turns around? It could cause them problems, having to find money to pay for estate taxes. Would you be okay with that? Or how about planning ahead to make sure they won’t be burdened when the time comes?

Retirement Funding
What kind of retirement do you picture for yourself in the future? Is it a time free from stress and worries, maybe spent gardening or on vacations to beat boredom? Or have you not really thought about it yet? If you haven’t, it’s time to reconsider. You wouldn’t want to end up like someone you know, relying on their kids or still working odd jobs, driving a motorcycle, or doing taxi rides. Time is ticking, and you might find it’s too late if you don’t start preparing now.

Meet with a Licensed Financial Advisor

A Licensed Financial Advisor will give you a policy proposal after meeting.

Pay the policy proposal to start your coverage.